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American Founding Father & notable signer of the Declaration of Independence JOHN HANCOCK, massive Revolutionary war-date manuscript draft of a letter to the Senate and the House of Representatives. Every letter in the body of text on the nearly 1 foot long 375+ word draft is written in Hancock's flowing hand. With exceptional war content written a week and a half after naval Battle of Delaware Bay. Hancock writes fearing leaving parts of the Northern American Eastern Seaboard understaffed and exposed to attack, he suggests strategic shifts in garrisons to reinforce the South. 
CERTIFIED AUTHENTIC BY JAMES SPENCE (JSA) Authentication Services EXPERT EXAMINATION. Sale includes original JSA Letter of Authenticity. UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED GENUINE. A high quality investment piece. The final draft of this letter can be seen in its final printed form in the "Supplement to the Acts and Resolves of Massachusetts" (Volume 1, Boston, 1896.)

Hancock has written:
"Gentlemen of the Senate and Gentlemen of the House of Representatives,

This day a Resolve ^ of the General Court was laid before me by the Secretary, requesting me to order augmentation of the Garrison at Dartmouth in consequence of a petition from Isaac Shearman Commissary for the Troops there, which petition [cross-out] holds up to the view of the General Court that I had taken upon me, contrary to the solemn Resolve of the last year, to reduce the Garrison, which has occasioned the present application. True it is that thirteen of the men doing duty there, were call'd to Boston, but it was done by me in consequence of the request [cross-out] of the Inhabitants of Dartmouth as they had no occasion for them & Guards being wanted at Boston, I availed myself of those men, which made a saving to the Commonwealth, as it is prevented my carrying into effect a Resolve authorizing me to inlist men for the very service these Men at Dartmouth performed here. 
With the Letters I laid before the Genl. Court at the opening of the present Session was one from Brigr General Freeman requesting that a number of men might be engag'd for a certain term for the protection of the southern sea-coast & I would submit it to the consideration of the honble Court, whether it would not be expedient (should the Court adopt the measure recommended in Gen1 Freeman's letter) to order an additional number from the Militia in Dartmouth to augment the Garrison there, then to send the Men from the Artillery Corps there, more especially as the Court have indulg'd Some of that corps, as well as some of the troops at the Castle, to engage on board the Frigates, which has lessened the numbers of both, & by taking those Men to Dartmouth, there will not be left a Member competent to the duty necessary for the protection of the property of the Commonwealth, & will occasion the addition of Men here at a much greater expence-than they-could be obtained at Dartmouth for the security of their Own Coast. That under- the present circumstances I could not with propriety sign the Resolve untill I had your further decision upon this Representation. Boston April 20, 1782"
Chip to upper margin with partial loss, damp-stains and tissue reinforcement to three areas (left margin), a couple of very small/short closed tears to margins. One docket on reverse in lower left corner reading "[m]essage to Genl Court April 20th 1782" not in Hancock's hand. As-is, refer to photos.
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Own a remarkable, original piece of American history! A once in a lifetime opportunity to own one of the few Hancock letters ever made available for sale, made even rarer by the content. A must have addition to any collection.
Sold as is, as shown

JOHN HANCOCK * JSA * Handwritten Draft Reinforcing Troops * No Autograph Signed


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